The Olympic Games were in London in 2012, but now the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) said, that they have a suspicion, that Russian athletes cheated and took some stuff, that improved their performance.

Another organization, International Olympic Committee (IOC), wanted to punish the Russian athletes, so they cooperated with WADA and both organization agreed that Russia should be banned from competition for a state-supported doping programme.

There are five athletes and five coaches, that are the most connected with this scandal and they should be permanently banned. One of them is Mariya Savinova, who won the gold medal at London. Another one is her friend Ekaterina Poistogova who won the bronze medal in the same race.

WADA reports, that London was sabotaged, because there was almost no action against athletes with suspicious doping profiles. And they also said, that it’s fault of International Association of Athletics Federation (IAAF), because they let it be a didn’t care about this.

Sebastian Coe, the president of IAAF, now wants a statement of the Russian athletics federation and according to that, he decides what to do with this situation. He has many options, but the most likely are sanctions and suspension from some competition.

Now it’s on Russia, how they handle the situation, but they should cooperate. Because otherwise it can lead to really big troubles between athletic association and Russia.



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