This is going to great movie again, were my first thoughts on The Hateful Eight. Yes, I admit, that I am fan of most of Tarantinos movies. The style of his 2012 movie Django Unchained, totally blew my mind. It was a Western genre movie, but it was different in so many ways, that in my opinion it had justified success on Oscars that year. Django won two Academy awards.
So when Tarantino announced his new movie and that it is going to be again Western, most of the people started to think, that he is able to top even himself and his Django Unchained. Especially with star cast like Samuel L. Jackson, Kurt Russell and many more.
While we do not know yet, if the movie is another success from Tarantino, the first trailer does not have the same prestige facade as Django Unchained. It is more tough and dark. Although Tarantino is going to shoot the movie on 70mm camera, which is great for wide screen, the trailer did not show any eye-popping moments. It is all about characters, their sharp knives and sharp wits, waiting for someone to make the first move. It might be “more of the same” or it might be another original hit from Tarantino. Only time will tell.



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