Introducing in English


2 factors determine how the right introducing looks like

  • content and amount of information, we want to convey
  • sitution we are in
What do we convey when introducing ourselves?

We usually state more than our full name when we are introducing ourselves. We often add information about our place of residence, job, hobbies etc.

  • Allow me to introduce myself. My name is John Roberts and I am from Canada. I am excited to be joining your team!
In which situations it is advisable to introduce?

We introduce ourselves in many different occasions. I may be the first day in a new job, the first call on your girlfrien’s parents or official or business meeting. We either introduce ourselves or have a third person who mediates introduction.

  • Hi mum. I want to introduce my boyfriend William to you. This is William Berry.

This makes it good to know the phrases that fit into each of these occasions.
Generally they can be divided into 4 groups:

Direct – we introduce ourselves
Indirect – an introduction is being mediated by the third person
Informal – eg. with friends or in family
Formal – eg. during business negotiations


Only Hi or Hello is not enough. It is necessary to say the name of the person we want to introduce.

Direct informal introduction

We can begin with these sentences:

  • Hi, my name’s Mary.
  • Hey, I’m Mary.
  • They call me Mary.

Direct formal introduction
It is good to state a full name in a formal occasion.

  • Good afternoon, my name is Mark Jenkins.

Hello has more meanings – e.g. hi or good morning. Therefore it can be used in formal occasions.
Phrases to start with:

  • Allow me to introduce myself.
  • May I introduce myself, my name is Paul Smith.
  • First let me introduce myself.


Indirect informal introduction

  • This is my brother John and this is my colleague Juliet.
  • I would like you to meet Tom.
  • Rebecca, meet Sam.
  • By the way, do you know each other? Peter – Betty.
  • Do you know Liz Mill?

Indirect formal introduction

  • May I introduce Miss Sue Jones to you?
  • Let me introduce you to Mr Black.
  • I would like you to meet Tom Novak.
  • It is with great pleasure that I introduce Professor Smith.
  • Ladies and Gentlemen, I have great pleasure in introducing…
  • Ladies and Gentlemen, it’s a great pleasure to introduce…

If you want to disturb or address somebody use the phrase excuse me.

What phrases to use as a response to an introduction?

  • Pleased to meet you.
  • I’ve been looking forward to meeting you.
  • I’ve been waiting to meet you.

These phrases will come in handy in formal situations:

  • I’m delighted to meet you, Mr. Jones.
  • Do you know William Brown? No, I haven’t yet had the pleasure.
John: Hi, I’m John Flatman. I’m your new marketing director.
Susan: I’m Susan Ryder. I’m Ben’s personal assistant. Welcome to our company.
John: Thank you.
the next day
Ben: Let me introduce you to the team. You’ve met Susan, my personal assistant?
John: Yes, we’ve said hello.
Ben: This is Steve O’Brian, our PR director.
Steve: How do you do?
John: John Flatman. How do you do?
Ben: And this is Jimmy Clark, our designer.
Jimmy: Hi, John.
John: Great to meet you, Jimmy.
Jimmy: I’ve heard a lot about you.
John: Really? All good, I hope.
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Gabriela Kašparová
Lector and language consultant. Studied English at the Faculty of Education. Having worked as an English tutor at nursery school, she got experience with working with children with learning disability. During her 8-year experience with teaching adults she has implemented her findings from learning children and has created simple and transparent explanations of complicated grammar features. Teaching both children and adults, she keeps encouraging them not to fear a foreign language and to learn with pleasure.



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