At Christmas people eat a lot. But in January they sometimes have problems with zipping up their jeans. In this article we would like to present you some advice about dealing with your weight at Christmas.

Do not think of losing weight

Putting on a pound or two is not a tragedy. You can go parties with food. But don’t try to promise yourself that you will start with the diet the next day.

Plan, plan, plan

Prepare a plan for every event you want to go.
The office party: Eat some porridge in the morning. Have a healthy meal at the party. Beside alcoholic beverages, drink water as well. When you are hungry, let’s go dancing!
Boxing Day lunch with in-laws: Be a driver. Don’t eat everything. Go to a gym the next day.

Make a list

Make a list of things you like to eat at Christmas. Then count the calories and you can decide what you can eat.

Shop carefully

Don’t buy more things that you need.

Share your portions

Don’t eat on your own. Share your meals with someone.

Keep moving

Don’t forget to do more exercises when you eat a lot.



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