French Kids Eat Everything II

What did we learn from this amazing French book? For me, there are two groups of tips-n-tricks – surprises and expected. The author is really good and clever, but we Czechs know some things as well!

The Surprises

1. Children eat their vegetable as a first dish: It’s logical. They are still hungry and will probably eat everything.

2. Children shouldn’t eat snacks. It’s fine to be a bit hungry between meals and they learn to wait for “normal” food.

3. This tip is my favourite: Children eat meals together with their family. The meal should be something special for them.

Are you curious about the expected?

1. Again, I start with my favourite: You don’t have to like it, but you have to taste it. Yes, yes and yes! Kids, and adults, too, should give the meal a chance.

2. Children should eat slowly. Meals are important. Slow meal can help them enjoy it more and talk with their friends.

3. Children should listen to their parents. Parents say when it’s the time for meal. But! Parents should think – kids aren’t puppies. They should eat, when they’re hungry and not when they behave good.

Here ends my trip to the world where children eat everything. It was fun for me and I really hope, that for you, too.

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