4. Do not show your imperfections!

It can take you time to love your body. Now, do not you love your legs? Wear jeans or longer skirts. Do not you like your arms? Wear a nice sweater or a jacket which hide them. Wear it as long as you learn to love your body. Remember – you should learn it!

5. Learn from celebrities!

Can you name your favourite celebrity? They are actors/actress not only in films, but also at interviews, premieres and gala evenings. Watch videos with them and learn from them. How do they walk? How do they talk? You can make notes and use it in your life. You can make your own video too…

6. Ask people around you!

Do not you like your eyes because they are not blue? Your mom loves them because they are like chocolate. Are your legs too long? Your best friend wants to have your legs because you are like a model. Sit for a while with people you like and who know you. Listen to them. They can be a mirror to you. They know you well. They can tell you why you are lovely and special.

7. Love yourself!

It is easy to say it but difficult to do. Take your time. Do not look to mirrors and shops’ windows. Do you think that you are nice? It is enough. You do not have to control yourself. Tell yourself that you are nice! And believe it!

It is difficult to be an actor/actress and pretend to be self-confident but it is more difficult to be really self-confident. What helps you? Share it with us and help us.

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