Prora: Nacistický prázdninový kolos
In 1930s the Nazis built a holiday resort on the Baltic coast. Hitler’s Colossus of Prora should now get a new chance. Germany’s Metropole...
Co dělat po návštěvě zátoky Halong
There is a chance that when you visit Halong bay there is going to be lot of small boats full of travellers and tourists...
Kdy jsou letenky nejlevnější?
Predicting when airline tickets are the cheapest isn’t, surely, an exact science, is it? One cannot possibly say, with any level of specificity —...
10 nejluxusnějších hotelových apartmá světa
I want more money and I want to enjoy a nice holiday. Everyone can have a wish. This wish can come true. You can...
Marrakech zvolen nejlepší světovou destinací pro rok 2015
TripAdvisor gives awards to “the best places for travellers” every year and this year it is Marrakech who wins their Travelers’ Choice Awards for...
7 osvědčených tipů pro návštěvu Říma
For a travel editor it is hard to stop working not only at work but also when he/she is on holiday. In May of...
Amsterdam: Místa a akce
Places and actions
Trams in Amsterdam are fast and they go often. But if you can, rent a bike. It is cheap (8-10 € a...
Amsterdam: Lákavá místa mimo centrum
Attractive places outside the centre
There are three places you have to visit: the Rijksmuseum, the Van Gogh Museum and the Anne Frank House. Expect...
Amsterdam: Kde přenocovat?
Amsterdam: Where to sleep?
You are in Amsterdam and need to find a hotel. A houseboat? Why not. You can stay on the water and...
Amsterdam: Výlet na víkend
Amsterdam: Free Weekend
You know Amsterdam – the city of the tolerance of soft drugs and prostitution but also the city of the nice places,...