Amsterdam: Free Weekend

You know Amsterdam – the city of the tolerance of soft drugs and prostitution but also the city of the nice places, culture and fun. Richard Tulloch presents the city.

It is not easy to find the right way in the middle of canal ways. There are window-shops with red neon lights or little “coffeeshops”. But you can also visit great art museums and try the traffic on a bike.

Some people didn’t enjoy their trip to Amsterdam. Some people took too much drug or met British rugby teams in red light district and they don’t remember anything. Some people love the city. They cycled in the quiet streets, had something to eat in a café next to the canal or in the park, listened to the great jazz music and looked at the most beautiful paintings in the world.

At the first visit, Amsterdam is so small. There live about 800,000 people and the city centre is not so big.

Don’t be afraid when you don’t speak Dutch. Everyone speaks English (and maybe French, German and Italian).

The Past Tense



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