4. “You are in my mind”

This sentence is perfect if you want to create a little bit of tension between you. It is a great start for flirting messages. It makes him wonder what might be in your thoughts. He surely asks you what exactly you have in your mind. You can start telling him or you can keep it in secret and write him that you tell him the next time when you see each other. He cannot wait to meet you. It is possible that he goes to see you immediately.

5. “I want to be with you”

This sentence is sweet but you must use it carefully. Are you at the very beginning of the relationship? It is better not to write this type of message. It can make him feel under pressure and he can think that he is pushed into the relation. In that case he can run away. Are you already longer time together? Do not hesitate and use this sentence immediately. You show him that your love is strong and still fresh because you do not want to be without him. You miss him.

6. “Your voice is so sexy”

Surprisingly many men imagine how sexy they sound when they are phoning and they want to hear it. Is it your case? Do you love calling him because his voice makes you crazy? Tell it to him. Usually, men do not like phoning. I can assure you – he does not want to stop after this sentence. You enjoy it even more.

7. “I enjoy the time with you”

This is a perfect sentence for both, the short and long relationships. In the case of a fresh one, you support him in seeing you often. He comes up with more ideas what to do together and he feels confident with you. Are you longer time together? It shows the man that you are still in love with him. You can add some suggestions for a new type of activity you can do together to refresh your relation and he sees that you really think about time with him.

What do you write to your boyfriend? Do you have any other ideas? Inspire us!

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